2009年3月12日 星期四

week4 翻譯作業-

In 1984, the city decided to get serious about improving its environmental quality. Civic leaders started a Vision 2000 process with a 20-week series of community meetings in which more than 1700 citizens from all walks of life gathered to build a consensus about what the city could be at the turn of the century. Citizens identified the city is main problems, set goals, and brainstormed thousands of ideas for solutions.

在1984年,該城市決定開始重視關於怎麼改進(它的)環境品質。市政的領導人(市長) 開始展望2000年的進(過)程,以一系列20週的社區會議與超過1700位來自社會各界(各行各業)的市民聚集在一起,建立共識並討論關於在這個世紀末哪些是城市可以達成的目標,市民確立該城市主要的問題,制定目標並集體研討(集思廣益)出數千個解決問題的辦法(計劃)。

2009年3月3日 星期二

week3 翻譯作業-

According to William Rees and Mathis Wackernagel, the developers of the ecological footprint concept, it would take the land area of about five more planet earths for the rest of the world to reach current U.S. levels of consumption with existing technology. Put another way, if everyone consumed as much as the average American does today, the earth is natural capital could support only about 1.3 billion people-not today is 6.7 billion. In other words, we are living unsustainably by depleting and degrading some of the earth is irreplaceable natural capital and the natural renewable income it provides as our ecological footprints grow and spread across the earth is surface (Concept 1-3). For more on this subject see the Guest Essay by Michael Cain at ThomsonNOWTM. See the Case Study that follows about the growing ecological footprint of China.
