Life Exists on Land and in Water
Biologists have classified the terrestrial (land) portion of the biosphere into biomes-large regions such as forests, deserts, and grasslands, with distinct climates and certain species (especially vegetation) adapted to them. Figure 3-6 shows different major biomes along the 39th parallel spanning the United States (see Figure 5 on p. S 19 in Supplement 4 for a map of the major biomes of North America).
Scientists divide the watery parts of the biosphere into aquatic life zones, each containing numerous ecosystems. There are freshwater life zones (such as lakes and streams) and ocean or marine life zones (such as coral reefs, coastal estuaries, and the deep ocean). The earth is mostly a water planet with saltwater and freshwater life zones covering almost three-fourths of its surface.
生物學家已經把從生物圈到大地區的生物群系的陸地(土地)的部分,以不同(分明)氣候型態且某些)物種(特別是植物(植被))適應其氣候型態加以區分(分類),例如森林、沙漠和草原。圖3-6顯示各種(不同)主要的生物群落分部沿著橫越美國的北緯39度線(參閱圖 5 on p. S 19 in Supplement 4為北美洲的主要生物群系的地圖。
Average annual precipitation每年平均降雨量
San Francisco舊金山
Las Vegas拉斯維加斯
St. Louis聖路易士
Coastal mountain ranges海岸山脈
Sierra Nevada內華達山脈(峰巒起伏)
Great American Desert廣大的美國沙漠
Rocky Mountain落磯山脈
Great Plains廣大的平原
Mississippi River Valley Appalachian Mountain密西西比河流域(河谷)阿帕拉契山脈
Coastal chaparral and scrub沿海常綠闊葉叢林和灌木叢林
Coniferous forest針葉林(松柏類植物森林 具毬果森林)
Coniferous forest針葉林(松柏類植物森林 具毬果森林)
Prairie grassland大草原(牧場)
Deciduous forest落葉森林
Major biomes found along the 39th parallel across the United Sates. The differences reflect changes in climate, mainly differences in average annual precipitation and temperature.
圖3-6 主要的生物群落分部被發現沿著橫越美國的北緯39度線。差異(差別)反映在氣候變化上,主要的差異(差別)在於每年平均降雨量與溫度的變化。
Life Exists on Land and in Water
Biologists have classified the terrestrial (land) portion of the biosphere into biomes-large regions such as forests, deserts, and grasslands, with distinct climates and certain species (especially vegetation) adapted to them. Figure 3-6 shows different major biomes along the 39th parallel spanning the United States (see Figure 5 on p. S 19 in Supplement 4 for a map of the major biomes of North America).
Scientists divide the watery parts of the biosphere into aquatic life zones, each containing numerous ecosystems. There are freshwater life zones (such as lakes and streams) and ocean or marine life zones (such as coral reefs, coastal estuaries, and the deep ocean). The earth is mostly a water planet with saltwater and freshwater life zones covering almost three-fourths of its surface.
生物學家已經把從生物圈到大地區的生物群系的陸地(土地)的部分,以不同(分明)氣候型態且某些)物種(特別是植物(植被))適應其氣候型態加以區分(分類),例如森林、沙漠和草原。圖3-6顯示各種(不同)主要的生物群落分部沿著橫越美國的北緯39度線(參閱圖 5 on p. S 19 in Supplement 4為北美洲的主要生物群系的地圖。
Average annual precipitation每年平均降雨量
San Francisco舊金山
Las Vegas拉斯維加斯
St. Louis聖路易士
Coastal mountain ranges海岸山脈
Sierra Nevada內華達山脈(峰巒起伏)
Great American Desert廣大的美國沙漠
Rocky Mountain落磯山脈
Great Plains廣大的平原
Mississippi River Valley Appalachian Mountain密西西比河流域(河谷)阿帕拉契山脈
Coastal chaparral and scrub沿海常綠闊葉叢林和灌木叢林
Coniferous forest針葉林(松柏類植物森林 具毬果森林)
Coniferous forest針葉林(松柏類植物森林 具毬果森林)
Prairie grassland大草原(牧場)
Deciduous forest落葉森林
Major biomes found along the 39th parallel across the United Sates. The differences reflect changes in climate, mainly differences in average annual precipitation and temperature.
圖3-6 主要的生物群落分部被發現沿著橫越美國的北緯39度線。差異(差別)反映在氣候變化上,主要的差異(差別)在於每年平均降雨量與溫度的變化。